Day 19 - Sunday, 13 October 2024 - Cahors. ~8 klms Cahors exploration.
Cahors is a city with an ancient history, pre-dating the Roman times, although there is little apparent physical evidence of the Roman history, as best as I can tell. The clear highlight of the town is the 14th century Pont Valentré, which is quite stunning. I have to say though that the town didn't really reach out and grab me. There's nothing particularly "wrong" with the place, but the sense of history which I've experienced elsewhere was sort of missing here. It is a nice, ordinary town.
Apart from the planned domestics, J and I simply wandered around and did a low-key explore. The start point was the Cahors Halle, the central market hall, for croissants and fromage, prior to heading up the main street for some 🍅 and 🥑 for to add to the crossaints for breakfast.
Exploring aside, the highlight of the day was probably the breast cancer awareness walk by the (mostly) women of Cahors:
Then some pics of our wanderin' - little commentary needed ...

I've seen this previously in both Spain and Morocco, where the gap between the houses over the street becomes another set of rooms/building.

17th C gate/door

The unromanticly named Pont sur la D620

Maison Henri IV - see Henri IV
Near the old Moulin Saint James. I've noticed that many of the weirs divert the river flow through the moulins. I think I read that this one dates back to the 15th c.
Below: various of/at Pont Valentré:

And almost lastly, before and after as I get ready to re-enter the normal world ...

Very pleasant farewell dinner tonight at Le Dousil as we start to go our separate ways tomorrow.