In 132 days I will walk down the stairs from the Malaysia Airlines 737 onto the tarmac of Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu for the start of my #everest70 "In the Footsteps of Hillary" trekking adventure.
Rather than this just being a holiday, I have turned it into a fundraiser for the people of the Himalaya. Full details are here, and I ask you to both consider contributing and to encourage your own networks to do the same. Please post this link onto your own Facebook, Instagram, Twitter pages, adding your support if you are comfortable doing so.
A little background. Last October Janet & I travelled to Sydney to attend the Australia Himalaya Foundation's 20th Anniversary Gala Dinner. Here we met with trek leader Michael Dillon AM, seen below interviewing Bhim Bogati, CEO REED Nepal, one of the AHF's key programme deliverers in the region.

Later in the evening Janet and I caught up with Mike, his wife Robyn, and AHF's Head of Fundraising and Communications, Karen Locke. Mike has got an amazing travelling, climbing and cinematographical background. Here's a few insights -

There's a lot more to be said about the Everest 70th anniversary global celebrations, and i'll explain more in future pots. For the moment see
Back to the beginning. Please donate to the fundraising. Please share this widely. Please feel free to leave a comment.
Until next time ...