Day 16 - Thursday, 10 October 2024 - Marcilhac-sur-Célé to Cabrerets. ~18.3 klms, total ~324.3 klms
I could have called today’s post "playing with my mind". I've learned to not fully trust the distance markers we've seen along the way; I've concluded that as well intentioned as they may be they are approximations at best. Today, towards the end of a taxing day, we had a classic example of messing with my mind. We walked past a sign which told me we had 7.1klms to go. OK, not long, good. Around 400 metres later the next sign advised 7.4klms to go. What the ...
Anyway, mind messing aside, today was an A2B sort of a day, on/off in the rain. We walked extensively through gnarly moss-covered damp forests; residences of goblins, fairies and demons I'm sure. The paths amongst the enchanted forests were the slatey, shaley, lumpy goat tracks which we have somewhat fallen out of love with. Apart from the normal flexing movement of the foot when walking, the paths cause a regular set of L-R lateral movements through what seems to be around 90°. No whinging, just a description.

We left Marcilhac a little after 9am having had a quick look at the 13th C abbey. First stop was Sauliac-sur-Célé, and some of the amazing cliff (and other) houses.

Then as the day unfolded a couple of random shots:

And then into Cabrerets:

There are times I would have opted for this transport option 😉.
Lastly, the view from our hotel room tonight:

Other-worldly, and enchanting. Thanks.
Such fabulous views!