Sun 24th Sept., Villafranca de los Barros to Torremegía, en coche
You don't need all the gory details, but in summary I've been struck down by a gastric bug. Completely unable to move, let alone walk 27 klms.
Caught a car from Villafranca de los Barros to Torremegía, where I've been in bed and mostly sleeping all day.
There was always a chance that the uninterrupted walk to Santiago would indeed be interrupted at some point, but knowing that possibility and experiencing the reality are quite different things.
Disappointed that we didn't get to walk the long stretch of Roman road today.
Disappointed all round really, and feeling lousy. I never get sick.
Janet will walk into Merida tomorrow, whether I do or not the next 12 hours will tell.
The photo below is from our room at the café across the road. The eagle-eyed will see Janet out exploring, the first time she's left my side all day.

And as she was out wandering she took some shots. Here they are:

Street art

Families in the street


Ready for work


Cool mosaic
So sorry to read that you were 'struck down' by the dreaded Gastric Bug......NOTHING WORSE when one is so far from home. I hope that you are feeling a lot better very soon. Love those beautiful Olive trees and, all the other photos as well. <3
Meanwhile, with Peter off the food, I get to have the best breakfast on the Via so far. As Kerri would say,
A breakfast for champions
Oh, so sorry to hear pete, rest up and keep hydrated before you hit the trail again. Great shots janet. Love to you both xx
Never good when gastic hits. All tghe best for a speedy recovery. More good photos.
Where did you stay Torremejia?
The Pilgrims lack of progress :( A few years ago you would have been on a cart rather than a taxi, but this happens. We’re a lot more relaxed about skipping small sections when the unexpected hits.
I would have liked to see the Roman Road (but not cycle it). At least Janet got to escape the vomitorium for a while 😯
I hope you have a good night sleep