Tue 10th Oct., Fuenterroble de Salvatierra to Morille, ~30 klms, +/- 40,000 steps, 8 hours door-to-door
Big day today. The last 5 klms/1 hour were/was a bit of a slog.
We were out of our casa rural by 8, around to Bar Jose for our morning coffee, and then on the road by 8:30. The first 18 klms from Fuenterroble to Pedrosillo de los Aires was on country roads, many of them on a Roman base. I had 4kgs of water on board.
After a late lunchtime coffee at Pedrosillo de los Aires combined with our empanada atun which we'd carried with us since yesterday, the last 12 klms, in roughly 2 equal halves, was on bitumen. We walk faster on bitumen (a bit over 5 kph, which is good time for late in the day, with a full pack when it's hot), but it does get a little tiring on the legs.
Not much commentary today. The body and mind are tired, so a few annotated piccies.

Miliarios #152. Can't help myself ...

The road ahead

#154. Janet rather tires of my "obsession" with these, but I figure I'll likely never pass this way again ...

The photo doesn't do it justice. Here the Roman road (in front of #154) is very clear. The base/supporting rubble is distinct

The 12 klm decision point. The answer was "right"

The very welcome sight of Pedrosillo de los Aires appearing at around 16 klms. Still a couple of klms to go though ...

Three lovely murals on the school wall approaching Pedrosillo de los Aires

Freshly ploughed ground amongst the oaks. Wheat?? Sunflowers??

Gecko art on a renovation in Morille.

The decision to stay in Morille was only made 3 days ago. We've chanced upon this "resort apartment" on the edge of town. Very non-Camino!!
We're about 20klms out of Salamanca, which for all intents and purposes is the half-way mark.
Hasta mañana ...
I hope you dipped your poor sore tootsies into that pool and J worked on her tan a little or at least had a little vino next to the pool.
So - did you get in the pool? I fully support your growing Roman interest, but you know where all roads lead to ! You will have to leave it to get to Santiago