Mon 25th Sept., Torremegía to Mérida
Today’s blog will be a somewhat disjointed affair.
After our enforced stop at Torremejia, in which I spent most of the last 24 hours just sleeping, we’re back on the road again, sort of. The Hostal Milennium was very comfortable, and the man at the front desk (our host I guess) was most accommodating.
It’s only 15 kilometres from here to Merida, and I wanted to walk it, but Janet wisely talked me out of that. She decided to walk, and left town at about 10:30. I’m drafting these first paras at the bus stop, and we should both arrive into Merida at about the same time. Here she is leaving:
Torremejia is a funny little town. The Main Street has a proliferation of bars and restaurants and panadarias, and it seems more vibrant than some of the larger towns down the road. The grape growing/winemaking industry Is obviously quite vibrant, and as I’ve been waiting here I must have seen at least a dozen tractors with large trailors loaded to the brim with freshly harvested grapes go by. A couple of snaps:
Fast forward a few hours. After a slight panic attack when the bus was 20 minutes late and I thought that I’d mucked something up, I started to worry that we'd be stuck in different towns. But the Camino gods were smiling - like a scene out of a movie we arrived together from different directions at exactly the same time on the Roman Bridge into town.
She had taken a few photos on her trek into Merida. I particularly like the sheep bells video, and I hope this uploads OK.
Unfortunately this site won't let me upload the sheeps video. I'll keep trying.
We plan for a bit of a tourist day in Merida tomorrow, and so there’ll be more photos of Roman stuff then, so for now just a couple in closing.
And some more ruins ....
Health update - vast improvement on 24 hours ago. High 90s (%) ...
I know the feeling of getting sick on a Camino… not fun.
Loving your blog and glad to hear you are feeling better. September / October seems like a good time to walk this one as personally I find the heat very hard to cope with. Good to see that you are managing to walk it in decent length stages as well (so far). I had read previously that quite a few stages had to be rather lengthy due to lack of accommodation. Many days/stages to go yet of course. Could I ask what medium you are writing your blog on ? Buen Camino and all the best, Derek
Glad to hear you’re feeling better Peter and that you both arrived together. Nice photos. Buen Camino.
Glad you are feeling so much better. Lovely photos from today. Love the two Selfies at the end and the one of that lovely little Donkey....
Glad to see you're on the mend Pedro. DW