[Saturday 15th September; Spain Day 4, Camino Day 8. Rest Day]
Today was a rest day, in the truest sense. I was butchers for much of the day, so rest was forced upon me. Whether that was because of something I ate (possible), general change of diet (hmm, maybe), or even just a reaction to being a bit worn out (also possible), who knows? But whatever the reason, it was fortuitous that it was on a day wasn’t a long walking day.
All that said, I wasn’t going to let an upset tummy bug me too much, so after a bit of a sleep in, late breakfast, a trip to the laundromat to “de-smell” the clothes, we headed off exploring.
First stop was the O Castro Mountain park, a huge park which dominates the centre of Vigo. A couple of photos follow - the first needs no explanation, the second is of the view of the city from the park. Vigo is a huge city, and you get a sense of the size from on high. (The fact that it takes a good hour+ to walk from the extremities of the city to somewhere near the centre gives an idea of how big. It’s also not a particularly attractive city, but I think that’s largely a product of size.

We then headed down town to look around, and to do some inner city exploring in the daylight. The feel of the place in the day, especially during siesta time, is very different to what we saw last night. Following are a couple of shots ...
A grassosaurus ...

And entourage ...

The cathedral, without the night time crowd. Note the 200-year old olive tree to the left of the main doors.

Selfie at a bar?? How surprising.

A short post today – but to follow on the “crook” theme, a quick group health report: two of our party have fairly serious blister problems which is causing some discomfort; one has some heat rash problems around the ankles; the rest of us are in good shape (me allowing for a temporary crook guts plus my perennial bad foot/arthritis problems).