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Great Grandfather James

“There are dreamers who see visions and dream dreams about the future of aerial navigation. I confess I love them and find myself indulging in pleasant reveries of the time when men, starting in the morning from Melbourne, well-nigh racing the sun, will land in London in the evening, or the next day at the farthest”.

James Campbell, 1886

Hon. James Campbell, 1845-93

This is a tribute to a man I never knew; a man who, some 130 years after his death, I am becoming increasingly fascinated with as I find our more about him.


Hon. James Campbell, 1845-93, was my great grandfather.  He was an explorer in a way that people today could not even start to imagine. He was a public leader of the type that we now see only extremely rarely. He was a visionary - the quote above is just one attributed to him, written almost 20 years before Wilbur and Orville Wright created a first that has influenced our lives ever since.


That he died young was Australia's loss, for who knows what he might have achieved had he lived to somewhere near his allotted span.  A brief history of him can be found here: Brighton Cemetery, Melbourne


He was a visionary of uncanny accuracy at times.  Writing an opinion piece in the Spectator in 1882 called "Victoria a Century Hence" he said:


A century hence the whole of Victoria will be covered with a network of railways (if aerial navigation does not render them useless except for heavy traffic) of which the present generation has scarcely any conception. Every main road at present existing in the colony will be represented by a railway or a tramway, of which the motive power will he electricity generated by the mountain streams, the rivers, the tides, and the winds.


Amazing enough that he would envision hydro-electricity a full 13 years before the world's first hydro plant at Niagara Falls, but that he would discuss wind generated electricity a century before it became anything like mainstream.  Not that he was always completely right.  Further on in the same opinion piece he writes:

A century hence Victoria will have no existence as a separate colony, but will simply be a province of a federated Australasia; our politics will have lost much of their petty localisms, and party will be almost gone. There will be a freedom, a tolerance, a kindness and an enlightenment in our public affairs of which we only see the day-dawn.


I like to think that I have just a little of James in me, passed down to me via his second son Norman, my grandfather, and to his only surviving son Tony, my father.  I can find similarities if I look for them, a couple of the key ones being the loves of exploration and of writing.  My website is my record of some aspects of some my journeys.  Travelling in the Himalayas has been a source of great joy for me, but I suspect nothing I have managed to do can go close to his trip to Sikkim and the edge of the great mountain Kanchenjunga in October 1886.  A record of some relics of that trip, and a description in his own words, can be found here James Campbell Sikkim Pass 1886.


Up until recently I had planned to retrace James' footsteps to Goecha La in Sikkim, northern India (height 5,000 MASL). Opportunities to do so are limited, not the least being that as best as I can tell the regional government seems to restrict such treks. And being a tad realistic, a trek to 5,000M might just be a bridge too far these days. However, other opportunities often seem to present themselves, and I have been fortunate enough to secure a place on a trip to Sikkim in April 2025. Stand by for blog updates in coming months.


To find a little more of this amazing man, read this extract from the Victorian Historical Journal of Nov 1997 or these articles from the Ballarat Star of 4th June 1892 and 11th June 1892.

Chow's 17 July 2024.jpg

Peter Campbell is a traveller, photographer, author, and occasional business advisor.  He lives on Wadandi boodja (country) in the south-west corner of Western Australia. The Wadandi (Saltwater people) are the traditional owners of land upon which Peter lives with his wife Janet and Golden Retriever puppy Harper. He lives in a peaceful rural setting surrounded by tall trees and in the company of kangaroos and parrots and kookaburras alongside the Indian and Great Southern oceans.  He can be contacted at this email address.

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